Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31

Genesis 3

This week we will be reading a series of passages about prominient biblical characters. The common characteristic of each passage is that these great people of faith fail. As you read these stories, I want you to think about your own life of faith. There are moments where we clearly are obedient, and there are times we are not. What can you learn and how can you grow from the times you have failed?

There are a couple of fascinating aspects to this story in Genesis 3:
- that Eve would take the serpent's advice rather than be obedient to God.
- that when Eve realized what she would get from eating the fruit, she had to have it regardless of what God had said
- not only did Eve it the fruit, she involved Adam.
- Adam chose to listen to Eve instead of being obedient to God.

Here is a couple of thoughts for you to consider:
Where do you turn for advice?
Do you ever chose to listen to yourself rather than God?

1 comment:

  1. I, like Eve, often listen to the advice of other's rather than seek God and ask Him for an answer. I confide in my mom, my close friends. It is easy to ask them for help or advice because they are right there to offer an opinion or answer. I like instant gratification, so sometimes waiting for God is hard to do.
    I have become better about not listening to myself, to let God handle things that seem to big for me. I don't give everything to Him though, some things seem to little for Him to really have an impact on, so I just handle it on my own. It never seems to work out as well when I try to do it on my own-there is usually stress and confusion. Relying on God is a process. No matter how many times I try to learn, I still want that immediate result, relying on my own judgement and that of others rather than waiting for an answer from God.
