Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28

Psalm 147 & 148

"the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.'

Ever wonder what makes God happy? With my families and friends I find myself on a regular basis attempting things that will be pleasing to them.. I enjoy making others happy, don't you? Do you have the same thoughts about pleasing God? I must confess that I generally think about what God can do to make me happy.

The word "fear" in this passage does not mean to be terrified. Fear means a healthy respect. An understanding of who is the creator and who is the creation. When we fear in this manner it keeps our relationship with God in order and provide a foundation for a great relationship. God is finds joy when we have such a perspective of God. God is happy.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, enjoy making people happy. I get more satisfaction out of doing something selfless than doing something that would benefit me. I believe that by me doing things for others to make them happy, it makes God happy as well. Funny how things that are pleasing to God are also pleasing to us. While I don't expect a direct benefit or blessing by doing something, I believe that God takes notice and will bless my life in some way, shape, or form.
    I used to think that I would be happy if God would give me things-like a car, or an A on the test I didn't study for...material things. How long does this happiness last though? It's temporary. When we make God happy, by praising Him, and spreading His love through our words and actions, He will make our lives happy. Not through material things such as a car or a good grade, but through bigger things. I believe that He will present us with opportunities that we can take to make our lives better, which will in turn make us happier.
