Friday, December 3, 2010

Luke 20

"Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's"

Money provides a great challenge to the life of faith in God. We need money to live. Saving money for the future is important. Yet, there is a fine line between using money for what is necessary in life and money becoming the dominant force in life. I don't believe it is an issue that we solve with a single decision. Rather, I believe that use of money must remain an on-going issue that we are constantly evaluating.

1 comment:

  1. To me, this Scripture is all about having a life-style of doing the "right" thing. We know what it is when we read God's Word so the important thing is for us to just do it! In one of my present Bible studies, we are reading a book called "Shaped by the Word." In essence, it is telling us that God's Word should be what shapes our lives in all that we say and do. How powerful it would be to do so!
