Friday, December 31, 2010

Hebrews 5

The author of Hebrews expresses his frustration with the readers not growing up in faith. He uses the image that they are infants still drinking mild, when in fact they should be eating solid food.

What about you? Would the author be frustrated by your progress in faith? Or are you doing the acts of faith that help your faith mature? Those acts would include scripture reading, prayer, presence in worship, giving, serving others, fasting, participating in a Sunday school class or bible study....with the start of the new year it would be great time to put a plan in place for your spiritual maturing.


  1. I'm sure that the writer of Hebrews would be frustrated with my lack of growth in faith - even though it is now part of my daily life. I get frustrated at myself for not spending more time in prayer, Bible study and serving others. I think the term to describe this in me is lack of "self-discipline." I praise God that He doesn't expect perfection from any of us. A few lines from a prayer of Thomas Merton has been very encouraging: "But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing."

  2. Weeks have passed and I keep coming back to this post. God is calling me to grow in my faith; he keeps giving me experiences that gently say "Come on, come follow me and I will show you even more." I have been following these words as a check list - are you doing the acts of faith that help your faith mature? Those acts would include scripture reading, prayer, presence in worship, giving, serving others, fasting, participating in a Sunday school class or bible study....I do that, I do that, ...oooh - I don't yet do that. I know what I am being called to do next.
