Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Luke 17

In response to Jesus teaching that you should forgive a brother seven times in one day, the apostles say, "Increase our faith!" They realize they will need help to forgive as Jesus has taught them. Forgiveness for little offenses is easy. Forgiveness when we have been either repeated injured or deeply wounded is very difficult. Yet, that is what Jesus asks of us. He asks not only because it can bring healing to the relationship with the person who has harmed us, but also because of what it does for us. When we harbor animosity towards another, our soul is not right. Forgiveness brings peace to our souls that is not possible when anger/vengeance/animosity reigns within us.

1 comment:

  1. When I was teaching a Companions in Christ class on forgiveness, I was amazed to find some facts about this topic on the Mayo Clinic web site. Their chaplain wrote an article declaring many benefits of this act, including "Greater spiritual and psychological well-being." Of course, the difficult part is actually doing it! I certainly do need help from God to truly forgive.
