Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3

Tuesday, March 3 - Ephesians 1

In Greek verses 3-14 is one sentence. Paul is so caught up into giving praise to God that he keeps adding more reasons to give praise. He praises God for choosing the people to be his children, for redemption from sin, for the seal of the Holy Spirit..... So if Paul did that maybe I should. In my prayer time this morning I am going to spend time giving God praise. Praise for all that God has done for me and for those I love. I invite you to do the same.


  1. This chapter is a little overwhelming. Paul’s language to so intense and grand, it is hard to pick out one thing that stands out. I am impressed with Paul and his ability to remember the Ephesians in his prayers and to thank God for them. Paul asks God to give them wisdom and revelation, so they may know him better. Through this Lenten devotional, I pray that I can have wisdom and revelation when I read the scripture, even when I am intimidated by the intensity of the words.

  2. I agree with depdip. Ephesians 1 has a lot of great ideas. Two that stood out to me were that believers in Christ are sealed forever, and (the closing vs) Christ is the body and head of the church.

    Another idea that was emphasized by Paul is one that I privately have a fair amount of trouble with: predestination. I don’t have a problem using that to try and comfort someone else in their hour of grief, although it can sound really hollow. Where I often have trouble with predestination is when trying to face or explain some personal disaster to me or my own family – vs the “Lord, it ain’t fair, why me?” doctrine.
    So, I pray that this Lenten period will give me wisdom, grace, strength.
    Humbly, Russell
