Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday, March 16

Colossians 4

Devote yourself to prayer….

I tried for a years to be pray for long periods of time at once, like an hour at a time. I found that to be a struggle. The type of prayer that works best for me is to slip in and out of it all day long. Like riding in the car with a friend where you have an on-going conversation that sometimes slips into silence. There is never really an “amen” to my prayer, except in public worship. I am not sure if this it what it means to be devoted to prayer, but it seems to keep me connected.

1 comment:

  1. I tried once to do the early, early morning prayer and I kept falling asleep. Timing a prayer seems to make it an obligation. Maybe it's like exercise. Start out by doing what you can, and hopefully it gets easier to pray longer and with more power.
