Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4

Acts 11

The struggle of reaching out to Gentiles did not belong to Peter alone, in this chapter we can see the struggle touched the whole church. It is amazing to see how easily the church changed it's understanding. The people were obviously open to new ideas and teachings.

How open are you to new ideas? Are you so stuck in your ways that even a godly idea runs into a wall with you?

1 comment:

  1. I would like to think that I am open to new "godly" ideas. However, the big question is, "Is this truly from God?" In our present culture, we often tend to believe whatever we hear or even more-so, what is written in black and white such as e-mails. As a teacher, I often "preached" to my students to read critically: read carefully, research what it says and NOT believe every single word that you read (or hear). However, it took one of my daughters to teach me to do this with ungodly, untruthful emails.

    I see this issue as such a powerful one in particular in mega-churches. When the preacher says, "God wants you to have a Rolls Royce and be rich," thousands grasp that as THE TRUTH. My prayer is that I use my mind and God's wisdom and discernment to know what is and what is not His Way and Word - before I open myself to new ideas.
