Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15

Acts 20

It is good to know that people fell asleep even when Paul was speaking. The story of Eutychus falling asleep while Paul was preachings is an example of what I believe is one of the great strengths of the bible. The bible does not try to hide the frailties of humanity. The scripture reveals the sins and shortcomings of great people of faith like Abram and David, as well as showing us the failings of ordinary people like Eutychus. These revelations are a constant reminder that we are in the need of the grace that God so freely gives.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty amazing that Paul took the time to stop his preaching to take care of Eutychus when he fell out the window. Is that a message to us that we can make the time to care for others if we really want to?? After all, we are the hands and feet of Jesus in sharing His grace with others.
