Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21

Acts 25

This chapter is kind of hard for me. I see God protecting Paul throughout all of this, though. Festus ordered Paul to be kept in Caesarea-therefore he was not killed on the way to Jerusalem by the Jewish leaders and chief priests. Also, when Festus came to hear Paul's trial, he was not able to find him guilty of any crime. I think God is beginning to change the minds of those that matter most, in order to protect Paul.
Paul did exactly what God asked of him, and now God is proving that He is with him, that He has always been with him. I think we often get to hard times and forget that God is with us-we blame Him for things that happen. Paul did none of that, he remained strong, and now God is offering protection and grace that would otherwise be impossible.


1 comment:

  1. Paul's faith is so strong that he makes it clear that he is ready to die - if he deserves to do so. As Jenni said, it is so important for us to remember - as did Paul - that God IS with us in good times and bad. What reassurance to us are some of Paul's words in Romans that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God - "neither life nor death nor angels nor principalities nor...anything in all creation!" I praise God for that promise!
