Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 17

Acts 22

How many times have we been in Saul's position? How often do we hear Jesus and not know who it is? Does Jesus ever think we are cruel to Him? Are we cruel when we question Him, or disobey Him? Are we ever like the men Saul was traveling with- we don't hear the voice? This passage evokes a lot of questions from me. I think because I have a lot of questions myself. So often God wants us to follow Him, to go where He leads us. Do we? It's hard sometimes...a lot of times. I think we are afraid that our outcome will be the same as Paul's, that we will be ridiculed and cast out by our peers, that we will be punished for doing what we are asked.
It is hard for us to always do what we are told. There are so many ways that people can respond to our faith-sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. Despite the ways that people respond, we must believe that, if we follow God, He will always guide us and lead us in the right direction.


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