Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5

2/5 - Luke 18

Why does Jesus tell us to receive the Kingdom of God like a child? Think of the characteristics of a child, especially when compared to an adult. A child sees things very simply, trusts more readily, forgives more easily, and shares love quickly. There are many other characteristics, but as I watch my grandson, maybe it is the way a child utterly trusts the parent. Julius wants his parents to pick him up and hold him, and is completely dependent upon his parents. He knows where his every need is met.


  1. I think of innocence when I think of children-they have not been hardened by the evils of the world. The image of children on the playground comes to mind-they are all playing together, there are not groups or cliques. They don't judge others. When Jesus tells us to receive the kingdom of God like a child, I think He is telling us to find and reconnect with our inner child. With a child that sees the world as a good place and has a heart to love and to forgive. Children often have a heart for God I think we can learn a lot about what it looks like to have a heart for God from children. We can learn what it looks like when we are open to seeing people through innocent eyes, to not judge them based on physical or material possessions, to love them and accept them just for the fact that they, too, are God's creation.

  2. I have worked with children all of my adult life and still go regularly into every level of classrooms. It is especially fun to go into a class of young elementary school children and see their enthusiasm for learning and life. They tend to trust and love most everyone around them. They are truly like sponges ready to be filled. What a responsibility we have to teach those children things they need to know - and especially about God's love! We can't always tell them in words but we can show them with what we say and do. I love the quote by Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words." Isn't that what we are doing when we feed the children and show that we care - in Grapevine or Haiti or Kenya? I thank God that we have that privilege of sharing his love and making a difference in their lives!
