Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2/4 - Proverb 14

Proverb 14

This Proverb contains 2 verses that speaks about how the poor are treated:

"The poor are shunned even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends"

"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God."

We have a woman in our church that does not drive and has to walk to work everyday. She works the night shift and her walk is about 2 miles. She is part of the working poor in our community. She works hard but barely makes enough to provide a small apartment and food. I have never heard her complain, she just goes about her business. I am not sure she could handle the responsibility of a car. What she has done is found a way to make life work without a car.

One morning, during the bitter cold of December, multiple people from our church arrived at her work at the same time to give her a ride home. These women had thought about her, and her walk in the cold. They coordinated together during the rest of the bitter cold for the woman to have a ride to and from work. I believe that is such behavior is what the Proverb would say honors God.


  1. Sometimes in life, I think that "quantity over quality" is the common theme when thinking about friends. We may think about how many friends we have, or others have, and then consider that judgment of how good of a friend they are. I don't think that this is a very good adage for such a thing. The rich have many friends-but what kind of friends are they? Why are they friends? If the money were removed would they still be friends? Again, after reading this I am honored to be a part of a family of faith that boasts such a big heart for others. Unfortunately I think we sometimes look at the poor and think that they deserved to be there, that they did something that ended them up there-maybe if they worked harder or put a little more effort in to things they could pull themselves out- I know I have. Whatever the case, God looks past that. To Him the past doesn't matter, whatever the situation or background He is calling us to reach out. People are people-all created by God, all loved by Him. He is calling us to honor Him by reaching out and helping those in need.

  2. Those of us who are so blessed have such an awesome responsibility to take care of others. I read the story that Bill Gates' mother wrote a letter to Melinda before the marriage that said, "From those to whom much is given, much is expected." I actually didn't know that was in Luke until recently, but doesn't that say it all about our responsibility!
    Listed on the Gates' Foundation Web site are its two driving principles: “All lives — no matter where they are being lived — have equal value,” and “To whom much is given, much is expected.” We are not in the category of Bill Gates but wouldn't it change the world if we all lived by these two principles!
