Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday, April 30

Genesis 40

Joseph's attitude is amazing. Whether he is sold into slavery or thrown into prison, he gives his best. He rises into positions of leadership in both places. I don't ever remember a word of complaint from Joseph instead he finds favor with those over him because of what he does. If God can use Joseph wherever he ends up, I imagine God can do the same with us.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, find Joseph to handle these situations with amazing grace. I think his attitude parallels the faith and trust he has in God. He does not do things for others for recognition or applause, but because it is God's will that he does so. He seems to be finding pleasure in what he is doing because he knows that it is pleasing to God.
    I wish that I could have that much faith. I tend to focus more on what I'm getting out of something rather than whether it is fulfilling God's purpose for me. I'm guilty of complaining on mission trips because it's hot or hungry or tired or bored...a number of things. I need to take the focus off of myself, and like Joseph look at the bigger picture. Maybe Louisiana wouldn't be my first travel choice (it's way too humid), but even so, I have to believe that God will find work for me there. That by me being there, I am playing a part in God's plan for me. I think Joseph knew this all along, that's why he never complains-whether thrown in to slavery, or denied recognition of his good deed.
