Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, April 17

- 2 Samuel 12

Nathan's telling of a gripping story to engage the king was brilliant. David could easily see the sin in the life of another (we can always see the sin in others), what the story allowed him to see was his own sin (We tend to justify our own sin). By the time he says, "You are the man", David recognizes himself and what he has done. Nathan then lays out all that God has done for him: anointed him king, delivered him from Saul, gave him the house of Israel, and would have given him more, yet David response was to despise the word of the Lord.

Think for a moment how much you have been given. For me; a wonderful wife, two children and a son-in-law that are great, a grandchild on the way, a calling to be a pastor, a great church to serve, I was born in the greatest country in the world, I live in tremendous prosperity (maybe not compared to the richest Americans but compared to the vast majority of the people who have ever lived)... that is me. What would you write. Then the big question is, what is my/your response to following the word the the lord?????

1 comment:

  1. I have been blessed with many things. I was born into a loving, supportive family who has raised me in a Christian environment. I go to college and have had the opportunity to be involved with organizations that are presenting many opportunities. I have been able to travel to different countries and see all that I have, and how much I take for granted.
    I have been given so many things, yet sometimes when the Lord comes knocking, I ignore, or try to ignore it. Why would I want to leave everything I have to go someplace else where the amenities are not as nice? Likewise, what career do I choose? One that will make me money and give me plenty of security, or one that may not be as profitable, but gives me a sense of peace and purpose?
    The Lord gave David so many things and he ignored it. Likewise, the Lord has given us so much (deliverance through death of His son!) and we so often ignore Him like David. I have been thinking about that lately-what do I do for God? If He can send His son to us, just to watch Him suffer and die, surely I can do what He is calling me to do.
