Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20

Matthew 6

This week's readings involve the will of God. Today's reading does not speak about the nature of God's will, rather in verse 10 Jesus teaches us to pray for God's will to be done. When our prayer is for God's will to be done, we are submitting our lives to God. We are telling God that we would rather do what God wants than what we want.

One question to consider is whether we are willing to submit our desires to God's? I think there is a temptation to submit certain aspects of our lives while retaining control of other aspects. For example, we might be willing to forgive those who have harmed us, except for that one person who.... Or we might give generously but the thought of tithing.... Take a few moments today to examine your life. Where are you holding back?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it is a lot harder to give up control over some things than others. I think some of this may be because of the worry we have, yet God tells us 'not to worry.' Finance is something that is often hard to give up. I go in to church and know that I am blessed with the resources to give, but then I think about what I may need to money for in the future. Looking at it now, I know how foolish this seems. At the time, I believe that my money may be spent in a better way though. We are being told in this passage, to not worry about stuff like this, because when we give up our resources for His sake, they will reap greater benefits than we could ever have imagined.

    I also like how this entire passage stresses the intimacy of worship. Sometimes I feel like I am not being a 'good Christian' because I don't throw my hands in the air during worship or fold my hands and pray in public. This passage is telling us that we don't have to do that to honor Him. By spending alone time with Him we are fulfilling our duties.
