Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, April 14

April 14 - 1 Samuel 17

A couple of thoughts to ponder:

- The power of fear. Fear has gripped the entire army. Goliath has challenged them daily, the king has offered a great reward (I really like the no taxes part) and the army is terrified. Fear warps our perspective. What do you fear? It would seem that fear is warping our country.

- David is the new guy on the scene. He doesn't see a giant, he sees an opportunity. What gives you confidence, is it your size, appearance, intelligence, faith?

- Saul tries to make David like him. Put on his tunic, his armor, use his weapons. He rejects all Saul offers to be himself.

- David stands against the giant in the name of the Lord. Is there an action you should be taking in the name of the Lord but fear is driving you instead.

- Imagine. One stone is thrown, the giant is dead and the enemy runs in terror. One young boy stood tall, now we begin to see what God saw in his heart.

1 comment:

  1. Fear is present everyday. Sometimes I fear for small things, such as how people will react to something I've done, or a decision I've made. Other times I fear larger things, my safety, the health of my family and friends. In some situations I have let the fear overtake my life and consume my thoughts. The men of Israel were consumed by their fear of Goliath that for forty days they did nothing. Today, the current economic condition may have people fearing for their financial security. Some people take drastic measures to make sure nothing bad happens-pulling out of the stock market, for example. When too many people do this, however, it leads to an economic downturn for the entire nation. Fear warps people's sense of thought and judgement.

    David goes to fight Goliath in the name of the Lord with nothing but his makeshift sling and a few stones. He had enough confidence in his God that he was not afraid to face whom others were afraid of. If David had enough strength to face the giant, I should find the strength to do things for the Lord. This could be as simple as inviting a friend to church, or a Bible study. For me, I fear what they will think. I've learned that many of thoughts and fears I have never come to be. Most people are happy to be invited or included. We should ask God for the strength to overcome our fears, so like David, we can be confident.
