Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Psalm 25: 16-21

"I obey you with all my heart, and I trust you, knowing that you will save me." (vv. 21, ESV)    
Do I trust that God will save me?  I do. Do I always go to him for guidance?  Not always.  Why not?
God has promised to save us from darkness, our enemies, and our sin--IF we let him.  Knowing and trusting that God will save us is easy, allowing him to do so is the hard part.

1 comment:

  1. I keep thinking about a recent sermon in which Rick said something to the effect, "When I don't feel close to God, I realize it's because I moved - not God." This ties in with what Jennifer said about "allowing Him" to guide our lives. I especially like the verse in this passage, "He will instruct them in the ways they should choose." It's back to trusting Him with all our hearts and letting go of trying to control our own lives (and sometimes others!). Sounds easy but we know it isn't!
