Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday, March 26 by Rev. Louis Carr

Read Mark 4:26-29.

In a culture where Christian conversation is faux pas, sowing seeds can be difficult, uninviting and unsettling.  As we operate in a world that calls us to go along and get along, we find ourselves as a people of faith suppressing our call to spread the good news.

Be encouraged to know that in this passage we are called to simply throw the seed.  After we throw the seed our job is done.  We are to do the very basic act of seed sowing and nothing more until the harvest comes. 
Whether it is the act of saying, “God loves you,” to a stranger or helping someone in need, we must understand that a random act of kindness is an act of sowing a seed.  From that point we simply let go of the situation and let God do the rest.

God, show us where and when to sow seeds. Give us the courage to show our faith, with or without words. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This spoke volumes to me. Rev. Carr has put everything in the first paragraph that I feel as a Christian in today's world. It does not stop me from "sowing seeds" and I thank you, Rev. Carr, for this gentle reminder.
