Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 23 by Rev. Melburn Sibley

Read Mark 4:1-12.

We are asked to spread the truth of Christ.  Let’s think of that as spreading the seeds.  How are we to spread these seeds?

By our daily living we should demonstrate that following Christ has made us different.  Living for Him changes our whole way of thinking and acting. It leads us to care for others.

We spread the seeds by sharing a genuine care for others and meeting their needs as best as we can.  In the context of our church, we can help Feed Our Kids, give Blankets of Hope, Meet and Greet the Troops, give through the Thrift Shop, provide Weekend Food and on and on goes the list of caring opportunities.

Share the story of Jesus Christ and His work of atonement through our witness.  In becoming a member of the church, we committed ourselves to give prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness. This may be difficult but how are they to know if we do not tell?

We are not responsible for how the seeds we sow are received.  We are just responsible, as God’s children, to sow the seeds.

Dear God, we commit ourselves to you today to share your love and spread your truth. Amen.


  1. What a commitment we make when we join the church! My big question is, "Can others tell any difference in my actions and words than in a non-Christian?" I pray daily that God will show me how to share His love and spread His truth to all.

  2. God has been calling me to bring more people to church. I have been saying NO - not until we get a new pastor, not until these friends let me know that they need it...what if they think I am a religious fanatic? This passage spoke to me again and said, "Just sow the seed - I will do the rest. I know your friends' hearts. I know who is ready, who is seeking, who is hungry for my words,love & forgiveness. I will do the transformation, not you. Just sow the seed." I had thought that Jesus was the sower or the Pastor was the sower - now I get it - we are all supposed to scatter the seed.
