Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25 by Dr. Cindy Ryan

Read Mark 4:21-25.

“No one brings a lamp home and hides it.” - Jesus

Following Jesus is a light journey.  Saying yes to Jesus means we accept his light in us, not to hide it or bury it, but to let it shine.  God likes radiant, shiny Christians.  Shiny Christians are different than obnoxious, pushy, over-the-top, in-your-face Christians.  Radiant Christians exhibit the light of Christ in natural, authentic, joyful ways. 

Author Elisa Morgan says it well, “When we shine, we hold out the Word of life to a world in deep need.  When we shine, we draw others to the source of our hope.  Even a single speck of light alters the very nature of darkness.”  (from Twinkle:  Sharing Your Faith One Light at a Time)

God, in the whole scheme of things, I’m just a speck of light. Allow me to twinkle for you.  Amen.


  1. Our church has more "shiny" Christians than anywhere I've ever seen! I love the idea of at least being a "twinkle" in what sometimes seems to be a dark world!

    It amazes me how Ken shined so brightly throughout the world - in his quiet loving way!

  2. I have family members who are in the
    "obnoxious, pushy, over-the-top, in-your-face Christians" category. They do not comprehend my faith is as deep and abiding because I prefer to "twinkle". Thank you, Dr. Ryan, for your words of wisdome. Linda
