Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept. 14- Genesis 27

Sept. 14- Genesis 27

"Esau held a grudge against Jacob"

The older son was to receive the blessing. The words of the blessing would shape the rest of the son's life. They believed the father could only give one powerful blessing. Did you notice the difference between the two blessings? I would certainly rather rather have the blessing Jacob received. I can understand why Esau would hold a grudge. But why would Jacob steal this blessing from his father? Why would his mother help him in this? What was he thinking?

He was obviously thinking only of himself. Years go by. In chapter 32 Jacob has an amazing encounter with God. God changes his name to Israel. Yes, the Israel after whom the country is named. The the beginning of his life, where he is a thief, is not the only story of his life. We have a good who never gives up on us.

1 comment:

  1. How many times do I selfishly push people aside so I can get the better end of a deal-manipulate situations so I come out the winner? The number is more than I'd like to admit. It seems times of trouble or panic bring about this selfish motive. I feel like I have to make a decision quickly or else I'll get the short end of the stick. No one wants that end. We live in a competitive world, we must be the best, have the most, work the hardest-whatever it is we always must be in the lead. The more I try to get ahead, by thinking of myself, the more I move away from God and what God wants of me.
