Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19 by Rev. Rick Mang

Read Mark 10:1-16.

It is pretty obvious that both the religious leaders of his day, as well as his own disciples, often criticized Jesus for spending too much time with the wrong people.  Who were the “wrong” people?  Children, tax collectors, sinners, the poor, and the sick.  Some thought that Jesus should have spent more time with important leaders and the devout, in order to improve his position and to perhaps avoid criticism.

Jesus didn’t need to improve his position.  Why? He was God, the Christ.  His concern was to be with all those who needed him most.

Dear God, open our eyes to those who need us most, to help them, and to witness your love toward them through Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Rick's prayer says it all! I also pray that God will send us to those who need us most and guide us in our service to them.
