Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday, April 16 by Rev. Armando Alvarado

Read Mark 9:1-29.

“'If you can?' said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for him who believes'” Mark 9:23 NIV

Miracles happen every day. Just a few days ago Maria came to me asking “¿Me pueden ayudar?”, “Can you help me?” Elodia, another mom from the Grapevine Village, asked “¿Conoces alguien que me puede ayudar?”, “Do you know someone who can help me?” Though their needs were different, they were asking the same question…“Can you help me?”

As I read about the Transfiguration and the healing of the boy with the evil spirit, I wondered what the author of the Gospel of Mark was trying to tell me. Believing is a big part in our walk with Jesus Christ. Because we believe, we trust God is loving, compassionate and healing.

When we open the doors and begin a relationship with the community, Grapevine Village in particular, we establish a partnership… in Greek, “koinonia.” Most people think that this word means only fellowship, but it goes deeper than that, it’s about sharing material and wealth. The Grapevine Village is a community with a vast amount of diverse gifts and needs. The miracle is how we engage in this partnership as a community, as a church, as the body of Christ. As Jesus said “Everything is possible for him who believes.” I believe we experience miracles when we listen, pray and entrust our gifts from God to share and encounter transformation.

Padre Dios, help us to believe that miracles can occur everyday. Transform our hearts as we engage in our communities and impact our lives, as we trust in you. Amen.

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