Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 11 by Jenny Davidson

Read Mark 7:14-23.

My four year old son can make a bigger mess than anyone I’ve ever seen! He can walk in the backyard and in two minutes be covered in dirt. The other day I asked him, “Ben, how can you get everything so dirty?” He looked at me with those beautiful eyes and said,  “But Mommy, I didn’t get my heart dirty.”

In this passage, Jesus is telling the crowds and his disciples that what we allow in our hearts and in our minds is what makes us unclean.  During this Lenten season, I pray that we would all pay closer attention to the things that we allow in our hearts, our ears, and our minds.

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for your mercy and grace. Please open my eyes and help me be aware of what I allow in my heart and mind. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. It's a bit overwhelming to think that everything we say and do is a sign of what is in our hearts! We've been discussing that in one of my Bible study groups and talking about how important it is to be in groups like ours - so our hearts can be filled with His Word.

    My morning prayer starts with "Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit in me." I know I need that daily reminder to focus on Him and His will for my life - rather than focus on myself.
