Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, April 1 by Jenny Davidson

Read Mark 5:35-43.

In 1996 I spent six weeks in Kenya on a college mission trip.  We were to go door to door asking people if we could pray with them.  We went in groups of three (two Americans and one Kenyan). One of our groups knocked on the door of a family of believers.  The mother asked them to pray for her nine year old son who hadn’t been able to walk since he was five.  After my friends and their interpreter (Purity) prayed, Purity spoke in Swahili and told the little boy to get up.  This boy stood on shaky legs and walked for the first time in four years.  Miracles still happen today!

I love this story in Mark because Jesus tells them, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” His few words sound so simple but yet are many times hard to put into practice.  In what area of your life today is Jesus saying the same thing, “Don’t be afraid; just believe”?

Loving God, thank you for understanding and knowing my heart.  Please give me the strength to trust you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for pointing out the importance of asking that simple question to ourselves. I have several issues in my life right now, where putting my fear aside and believing brings me strength. Jesus' words are simple, but timeless in this story.
