Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Genesis 7

I wonder what it was like for Noah to wait for the flood to come. He had staked his whole life on building this huge ark. I imagine that at some point questions started to arise. Did he really hear God? Did God really say to build an ark? What if I am wrong? I imagine it was a huge relief when the water did come.

I think it is natural to have questions in the midst of faith. When obedience takes us to the edge, there are questions that arise at the edge. It is in the midst of those questions that faith is defined in our lives. When we follow through in the face of questions, that is the time of our greatest faith.

1 comment:

  1. It is often very difficult to follow through with our faith when things get rough! I'm always awed by people who remain calm, cool and collected - no matter what is happening in their lives! Surely, they have occasional questions as Noah must have!

    Since I have been taking seminary classes in spiritual direction, I am trying to be much more self-discipline at prayer throughout the day (and night) and asking for God's presence and peace to fill me. We all have many things going on in our lives and need that presence and peace that we are doing God's will.
