Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Genesis 13

The size of Abram & Lot's herds force them to separate. What is interesting is that Abram lets Lot choose what land he wants. Lot chooses the best land and leaves the hills for Abram. What I find so fascinating is that Abram is the uncle, the leader and the one called by God. By all rights he should have chosen first and told Lot where he was going. He didn't claim the best. He allowed Lot to choose the best.

Of course in response God tells Abram that all he sees will ultimately belong to his family. But that promise came after Lot chooses.

1 comment:

  1. Is the message here that if we turn things over to God,He WILL show us His way and the one that is best for us? Abram had the right to be in control of who was to go where but he didn't use that right. I pray that God will help me turn all things over to Him!
