Monday, August 9, 2010

Genesis 6

"Noah did everything just as God had commanded."

Noah was an obedient man. He followed all the directions that God gave him. How are you with obedience? I don't thing obedience is easy. It is an act in which we decide to deny what we want to do. I tend to want to tell God what God should do, rather than listen for what God would have me do. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I am much like Ken in wanting to tell God what He should do rather than looking and listening for His will. I am trying very hard (with the help of the Spirit) to get away from making a "grocery list" of my wants during my prayer time. Instead, I try to include lots of praises for all His blessings - and also to listen for His guidance and will. The latter is the most difficult for me - to just stop and listen!Our dear friend Worthy Gardner taught me a breath prayer, "Abide in me" that helps as I repeat it throughout the day. If I would really let Christ abide in me at all times, I'm sure that I would be a different person!
