Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7

Luke 24:1-35

In my sermon on Sunday, I mentioned how each the resurrection stories in the four gospels were somewhat different. In Luke, we find some rather dramatic differences from Matthew. There are 2 angels instead of 1, no one encountered the risen Lord at the grave, Peter is part of story, there is mention of the linen clothes inside the tomb, and the addition of Jesus appearance on the road to Emmaus. The two elements that remain the same through every story are that Jesus has risen and the disciples had no expectation of his resurrection.

Through Peter's "wondering to himself what had happened" as he left the grave and the disciples not recognizing Jesus on the road, we can see that they are not looking for a risen lord.

One of the questions that arises for me is, how often do I miss the risen Lord? How often is God moving in my life or in the lives of those around me and because I have no expectation of seeing God, I miss what God is doing?

1 comment:

  1. It has been shown to us so clearly that God IS with us. However, I know Ken is right in that we often fail to see Him in ourselves and others around us. One of the most helpful aspects of my training in spiritual direction is to make it a practice to ask myself in all situations, "Where is God in this?" I have been amazed to realize that the answer is often easy - when I just take time to look. My constant prayer is for God to help me see Him in all things - and also help others do the same.
