Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23

Genesis 43

Why doesn't Joseph tell them who he is? What is he gaining by holding back? Is the pain of being sold into slavery so deep in his life that he cannot forgive them yet? It seems to me that he is missing out on life and on his relationship with his family by holding back. He is harming himself much more than he is harming them. But isn't that the way it is when we don't forgive? When we don't forgive, we are the ones that are hurt the most.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty amazing to realize the importance of forgiveness - to ourselves as well as to others! I was really surprised when I started reading on the Mayo Clinic web site some of the physical results of holding on to anger and not forgiving. In my circle of friends and family, I see so many lives that are not what they could be because of someone holding on to anger. I guess that's what happened to Joseph at this time - that he just couldn't forgive - and lost out on a lot of time with his family.
