Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27

1 John 1

God invites us to live in the light. Part of what it means to live in the light is to be willing to acknowledge our sin. We don't like to acknowledge our sin. To acknowledge our sin is to take responsibility for our actions. It is much easier to justify what we have done or to blame others than it is to accept responsibility. Yet, to accept responsibility is the only way to bring about change in life. What John promises is that as "we confess our sins God is faithful and just and will forgive". The forgiveness of God offers a new beginning.

1 comment:

  1. The word that jumped out in Ken's comment was "change." I had a growing up friend who was convinced that he could do anything he wanted and everything would be fine - once he asked God for forgiveness. He professed his devout Christianity but yet never made any effort (that I saw) to change. I pray that along with forgiveness, God will give me the strength and guidance to CHANGE.
