Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10

John 21

Jesus has the conversation with Peter, a which at the end indicates Peter's death. When they see the other disciple behind them, most likely John, Peter asks "what about him?" Part of Jesus' response is "what is this to you?" What I take from this conversation is that I am to focus on how Jesus calls me. I can celebrate and give thanks for how Jesus calls you, but I am not to be concerned if your calling is different than mine. I am to trust God in how God works in and through each of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Ken's insight into this scripture reminds me to NOT be judgmental about what others are doing or not doing. My concern needs to allow myself to be more trusting of how God works in the world and quit trying to tell others how to live their lives.

    Something I had never noticed in this passage is in the last verse when it talks about all the things Jesus did that were not written down. That makes me sad that there are so many things He did and said that we don't know. I think it must come back to "trust" with what we do know.
