Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4/21 - Genesis 41

Genesis 41

I don't believe God inspired his brothers to sell Joseph into slavery. I don't believe God inspired Potipher's wife to attempt to have an affair with Joseph. I don't believe that God caused the cup bearer to forget his promise to Joseph. What I do believe is that God can bring good out of everything (Romans 8:28). I believe that God used a series of events that included sin and forgetfulness to put Joseph in the right position at the right moment. It may have seemed to Joseph that his life was wasting away as he sat for 2 years in prison, but God was at work in the dreams of Pharaoh. The dreams brought a crisis that only Joseph could solve. Joseph ended up in the position of the second most powerful man of Egypt. Why, because God was always at work in his life bringing about good, as God is always working in our lives to bring about good. It may takes years to see, but God is working.

1 comment:

  1. After reading the passages for the last several days, I was struck by the themes of being forgotten and being remembered. Joseph asked the cupbearer to remember him to the Pharaoh but Gn 40:23 notes the cupbearer did not remember Joseph but forgot him. Eventually the cupbearer informs the king who has Joseph interpret his dream. Joseph pointed out to the king that it was God who would provide an answer to the dream which seems to show Joseph had not forgotten God nor his heritage. Ultimately Joseph's firstborn is named Manasseh (forget) b/c God had made Joseph forget his troubles. 2nd son named Ephraim (fruitful) b/c God had made him fruitful in spite of his troubles. Very comforting to know we are remembered by God and not forgotten even when life is tough. God indeed works to bring good out of everything.
