Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Matthew 13:44-46


  1. In these two parables Jesus compare the Kingdom of God to something that is so valuable the person gives up everything to obtain it. The Kingdom is wherever God reigns. When we allow God to reign in our lives, we are in the Kingdom. Everyday we make the decision about God reigning in our lives. Everyday we live out these parables as to what is most important.

  2. I remember a sermon you preached back in the fall about going "all in". For what will you totally commit everything? I thought to myself at the time - I would go all in for my husband and my sons - if they were in need I would do whatever it takes. I left church that day to stop by ICU at Baylor Grapevine to visit a family friend & I told him I knew he had that kind of commitment to his wife. We also had a prayer for his salvation. He died the next week and his wife followed him soon after. If we can commit so wholly for thse we know & love, why is it so hard to completely commit to God reigning out lives? Do we all live with a little bit of doubt where we withhold some of ourselves from our Creator?

  3. It is reassuring to know that we are in God's Kingdom today and everyday when we put Him and His will first. However, I think we all must live with a little doubt, as Susan said, about withholding some ourselves from our Creator. It's interesting to think about what would happen in our lives - in the world - if every Christian would let God truly reign!
