Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3

Psalm 5 & 6
"But let all who take refuge in you be glad:"

What does it mean to take refuge in God? When I think of refuge, I think of a place of security, safety, a place to go in the midst of a storm. When I consider taking refuge in God, it means that I turn my attention to God.

This morning I am up earlier than normal. I have had a growing unease about a particular issue I have been working on at church. I woke in the middle of the night and could not stop thinking about the problem. This seldom happens to me. I tried to pray, but there were too many thoughts floating in my head. So I got up, wrote out my thoughts and then I began to pray. Once I got it all written, it was much easier to pray. Not because I had a solution but because I had a better grasp of the problem. It made it much easier to say to God, here is my struggle, what should I do? I found refuge in that I could name the storm and turn my attention away from the storm to the presence of God. I have found a refuge in God in the midst of my unease.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this daily blog. This is the most consistent I have been in reading scripture on a daily basis in a long time. I try to read it in the morning, before the kids are up and life begins! Although I don't comment that frequently, I wanted you to know that I am reading and it is making a difference in my life. Am looking forward to Psalms for the summer.
