Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1

June 1 - Psalm 1 & 2

This summer we will read the book of Psalms. Most days there will be two Psalms to read.

The Psalms are a collection of writings that were used in Israel's worship. There were written over the centuries. "The Psalms reflect the stylistic characteristics of Hebrew poetry, i.e., repetition, parallelism and vivid imagery. The moods of the psalms embrace the whole range of human experience from exuberant praise (Ps. 145) to despair (Ps. 42); from intense anger (Ps. 137) and doubt about God's care (Ps. 73) to hope for a future based precisely upon God's care(Ps. 23). They can help us express emotions that otherwise we might not have the words for, or feel right about. The Psalms catch the reality of our up-and-down-relationship to God, but they also move us steadily along the path of knowing God." (Serendipity Bible for Groups, page 744)

As you read each Psalm pay attention to the emotion it is expressing. Notice how even the ones that express despair, always turn back to God in the end.

"Blessed is the man....But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his he meditates day and night."

Our lives are blessed as they are open to scripture. Scripture is our basic connection to God.

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 2:11 “Serve the LORD”… reminds me of my real occupation. Sometimes I forget who my employer really is.
