Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6 - Psalm 39:1-5

Psalm 39:1-5

There are a couple of phrases in first few verses of this chapter put life in perspective: "man's life is but a breath", "how fleeting is my life". This is a perspective that seems to be growing in my life as I age. I had to keep reading beyond the first five verses. It did not get much better in verse 6 with "He bustles about, but only in vain". I felt a description of my life as I can not believe have fast it is moving past. Then in verse 7, there is the reminder, "my hope is in you". Spend a few minutes today thinking about why our hope is in God.

1 comment:

  1. Recent events have really demonstrated to me how "fleeting" our life is. Oxygen is what keeps us alive, so our lives really just a number of breathes. One breath we're here, and the next...with our God in Heaven.
    Why do I put my hope in God? There is no one nor anything that will be with me forever. Verse 6, we "heap up wealth" but when we are gone, it cannot go with us. God offers us an eternal life of abundance and satisfaction. My life here on earth will come and go, but my life with God will go on forever.
    Time seems to be passing faster and faster. It has made me consider what really matters in my daily life, in the big scheme of things. I have realized one of the most important things is how I act-more so than what I have. If my life were to end tomorrow, I would want to be remembered as someone who cared for others, was compassionate and kind. I would want to be 'tagged' as a Christian and as a living symbol of God's love. To me, that is more important than being remembered for the clothes I wore or the car I drove.
