Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5 - Genesis 7:17-24

May 5 - Genesis 7:17-24

The stage is set in Genesis 6:12-13 for the flooding of the earth in the reading for today. God views humanity as "corrupt" and speaks these words to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them." (Take a few minutes and read Genesis 6.) With the flood God starts over with Noah and his family. After the flood, God establishes a new covenant with Noah. A part of this covenant is that God will never again flood the earth. The rainbow is a sign of the covenant (Genesis 9:12-17).

As Christians we live with another sign, the cross. The cross is the sign of God's love, grace and mercy. The cross is the constant reminder that I have been forgiven by God.

1 comment:

  1. The cross is such a powerful and meaningful symbol that I fear sometimes gets forgotten, the more universal the symbol becomes. Crosses can be seen on almost anything now. I wear a ring with a cross on it everyday as a reminder and a visible sign of my faith. To me, it has a significant meaning. I hope that when others see it, they will too be reminded of their faith, or become curious if they do not have a faith. I think that it is important to let the meaning of the cross be known so it does not become simply a worldly symbol-used without regard to its true meaning and significance.
