Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13 - Esther 4-5

Esther 4-5

"And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

The story makes it clear that Esther is afraid to act. Yet, Mordecai reminds her that being selected queen may have been just so she could act in this moment. She is left with the quandary of her personal safety versus the safety of all Jews. Of course she puts her safety aside, that is why the her story becomes part of scripture. Esther becomes a model of doing the right thing in the face of cost to ourselves.

Is it possible that God is calling you to act at this moment?

1 comment:

  1. Acting like Esther, quickly and selflessly, is a difficult thing to do.
    I am constantly asking myself what I'm doing here, what my purpose is, why God put me where He did when He did. I suppose Esther was asking herself similar questions when she learned of Haman's plot against the Jews. What if Esther hadn't acted like she did, and instead valued her own safety above that of her people? How many times have I put myself first and not acted when God was calling? I think that I, and every one else has the power to make a difference in this world, we just have to allow God to use us. Like Esther, He has great plans for us all, and will place us where we need to be to accomplish His tasks. The first step is to hear Him, and the second is to answer Him. I hope and pray that I will answer when I hear God, and that I will allow Him to use me for His good works.
