Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 Timothy 2

"And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind of everyone, able to teach, not resentful."

Do you quarrel? There are moments in life when we should quarrel. When the issue is justice, standing up for the rights of another, those are great moments to make a stand. But if we are honest that is seldom the reason we are in arguments. More likely it is because our feelings are hurt or we did not get our way. Enormous damage can be done to another person or a relationship when we quarrel. As Lord's servants we hold a different value than getting our own way. The value is love and concern for the other person.

1 comment:

  1. Quarrels or gossip or passing on any “untruths” (such as in emails) are such a waste of time and hurtful to ourselves and others. I’ll have to admit doing all these at times but this particular passage is a great reminder that we as Christians have a responsibility to use our words wisely – and to remind others to do the same when we hear this kind of talk. I also appreciate verse 22 that reminds us to pursue “ righteousness, faith, love and peace.”
