Monday, January 24, 2011

Hebrews 11:1-31

"By faith..." The writers of Hebrews repeatedly uses this phrase to introduce a series of biblical characters. He tell us that faith guided the lives of these great people. When we read these stories it encourages and strengthens our faith.

Consider for a moment the individuals of great faith that you have known. Individuals who "by faith" lived their lives. Those individuals become great examples for us as to how we should live our lives by faith.

1 comment:

  1. Two of many people in our church who truly lived by faith are Worthy and Maxine. I had the privilege and joy of being in Bible study groups with both of them and even to be with each of them shortly before they met our Lord. I will always remember their faith surrounded by a "joy unspeakable!" I hope and pray that I may someday have the faith to be an example to others!
