Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & Luke 23:33-43

In the Thessalonians passage Paul is addressing several concerns the early Christians have. They wondered what has happened to the Christians to have already died? Paul tells them they have nothing to fear. Those who have already died with rise again when Christ returns.

The Luke passage is about Jesus on the cross. Their are criminals on both sides of him. One man mocks him, the other man asks Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus tells the man, "today you will be with me in paradise." Jesus' understanding is that the man immediately goes to heaven.

Paul and Jesus express different ideas of what happens to us when we die. I believe the words of Jesus.


  1. I certainly agree with Ken on this one - based on what Jesus said on the cross! I praise God that my loved ones who have died are now with Him in Paradise!

  2. I believe both. To me, the words of Paul give us a visual image: Christ will been seen above us and the dead in Christ, the cloud of witnesses or those believers who have gone before us, will rise first to join him. It doesn't say from where they are rising; I believe they have already been with Jesus & those who are not yet dead are getting to see their loved ones. Then those believers who are not dead will also rise to join them. Right now we do not understand every detail - we see through a glass darkly - but on that day we will see face to face.
