Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21

Psalm 135 & 136

"His love endures forever"

Psalm 136 is a beautiful piece that proclaims God's love for us. The Psalmist begins with creation and moves through some of the great moments of Israel's history in recounting the way God has acted. Every act God is seen as a means of God's love reaching out to humanity.

Make this your prayer today. Spend time thinking back over the key moments of your life. For me it would be moments like when I accepted Christ, the day I met Kenda, the different churches I have served, the birth of our children and grandchild. After thinking of the moment say the phrase "His love endures forever". Let the remembrance of the moment and the acknowledgement of God's presence be your prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I had a hard time getting through Psalm 136 without singing the verses or putting them to the tune of the song we sing on Sundays. This verse delves much deeper than the song though, mentioning in greater detail the great things that God has done for the world-through creation, to deliverance, to His caring and providing nature.
    I am sometimes unable to see how great God is, or the impact He is having on a certain situation in my life until I look back on it. It is easy to see Him in the good times, it's the bad times that I have to look back on to recognize His presence.
    I think it's important to find God in all things, He always has a place-whether or not we recognize it. I have to believe that everything He does is great-that maybe I can't see it at the moment, but if I can remember that "His love endures forever," that maybe the silver lining will come later.
