Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28

Acts 5

The story of Ananias and Sapphira is a powerful story filled with many questions. Ananias and Sapphira were not required to give all that they had to the church. Why did they lie about their actions? Why did Ananias die when he was confronted with his lie? When Peter confronted Sapphira about the lie, why did he say they would carry her out as her husband? Why weren't Ananias and Sapphira offered forgiveness or a second chance to speak the truth? It is little wonder that "great fear seized all who heard what had happened."

There is not another story like this in the New Testament. Obviously, this was not the norm in the early church. Maybe this story is included to teach us about our relationship with God. God calls us to live a different way, a way that moves away from sin, because sin destroys our lives. The dramatic aspect of this story clearly points out God call to us to live in the truth.

1 comment:

  1. This story leaves lots of questions and is certainly unnerving - to say the least. Maybe this is why some churches focus on "fear" rather than God's love and forgiveness. I suppose the meaning is as Ken said, God wants us to live in TRUTH. It certainly is a reminder that God does know what is in our hearts - no matter what we say or do.
