Thursday, May 6, 2010

5/6 - Acts 6:1-6

Acts 6:1-6

This passage is a pivotal moment in the life of the early church. The "Twelve" or the apostles, cannot take care of all the needs. They have a choice to make of trying to keep in control of everything or they can appoint other leaders who can expand the ministry of the church. They decide to turn the ministry of feeding the widows over to another group of leaders. The end result was that the widows were cared for and "the word of God spread".


  1. Interesting that the apostles did not avoid the complaint/conflict, but met it head on ... an example of good leadership . . .

  2. I'm so pleased that our church is greatly expanding our ministries through many groups of people. What a blessing to be part of a community that truly BELIEVES that we can make a difference - here in Grapevine and throughout the world!
