Monday, May 24, 2010

May 25

Acts 2

Can you imagine being among those present when the Lord's presence came upon them? I think it is symbolic of how God works in our world. He does not limit himself to one group (those from Galilee), instead He is able to reach and communicate with everyone. His power transcends language and cultural barriers, He does not see us by our race or our heritage, He sees us solely as His creation. Joel foretold that the Lord would give his spirit to everyone, and that is what He did. I am continuously amazed at how scriptures fulfill themselves. I think this is a powerful passage that shows God's true power and love. He does not discriminate based on worldly boundaries, and He does not reserve His salvation and grace-it is for everyone who is willing to ask for it.


1 comment:

  1. I love the story of Pentecost and how the Spirit of God came on all in the crowd! It's so amazing the way that God provided a way (people speaking in many languages) for everyone to understand His Word and the power of His Spirit! I recently read a definition of Holy Spirit as "God's presence with us," and I cling to that meaning. To believe and understand that God is really with me at all times is comforting and amazing. My job is to allow His Spirit to work in my life and be attentive to His guidance.
