Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mark 4

Jesus tells the parable of the sower and the seeds. The parable is about us. This parable calls us to reflect on what is happening within us. What type of soil are you? Do you allow space in your life for God's word to grow up in you? When life becomes busy do you unintentionally push God to the side? Has our culture become so deeply embedded in your life that Godly ideas just bounce away? Is there a great harvest of God's work flowing out of your life?

1 comment:

  1. Throughout my life, there have been(and still are) many times that I act like I'm too busy to do what is really important.This is one of many areas where I pray for God's guidance and wisdom to just "be still" and listen for God's guidance in my life. What's so amazing is that when I really do this, God always does!!
