Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mark 3

"He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts"

Can you imagine the frustration of Jesus? He had come to show the way to God. He was offering new life. The response? They are waiting to see if he will heal a man's hand on the Sabbath so that they can accuse him. The religious leadership does not understand and only a handful of the people barely understand. Ultimately, however, this is not about the people's response. Jesus' actions were about the love of God. A love that wanted to offer a way to life to humanity. That love drove Jesus to a cross for a people who never quite understood.

1 comment:

  1. This passage reminds me how we as humans tend to look for negative "attributes" of others - even when all they are doing is trying to help others. I imagine Jesus gets angry now as he sees us do this to our family, churches, community and in politics. What if our actions only became about the love of God as we look at others - and ourselves?
