Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5th

Luke 23: 32-43. Two criminals were crucified with Jesus, one on his right, one on his left. To the one who asked Jesus to remember him Jesus replies, 'I promise you that today you will be in paradise with me.' I notice that he does not turn to the other, the one who mocked him, and say, 'And you, buddy, this very day, will be getting the ol' knuckle sandwich!' It is important to remember that Jesus has just prayed concerning all those present who were mocking him, 'Forgive them, Father; they don't know what they are doing.' It is dicey to think that the 'nice' criminal was able to wrest from Jesus some privileged treatment for himself by paying Jesus a compliment at the last minute.

And when this criminal talks to Jesus about remembering him, he likely is hoping for more than a fond recall on Jesus' part. He does not want Jesus in heaven to say one day, 'O yes, I remember that guy; nice fellow!' He wants Jesus' to re-member him--to put him back together happy and whole; to do something on his behalf; to save him. The remembering of Jesus is far more than a 'calling to mind.' Yes, it is much more than that. RS

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